Laurel Christian School est. 1982 - Educating for Eternity

Monday, March 21, 2011

Elementary Weekly Happenings 3.21.2011 - 3.25.2011

SAT Testing begins this week!
Parents, please make every effort to have your child here and on time each day!

Drama Club:  ALL CAST MEMBERS, ALL INDIAN DANCERS AND CREW will meet Thursday, March 24, after school till 4:30. PLEASE NOTE THAT FROM NOW ON THE MEETINGS WILL LAST UNTIL 4:30!  KNOW ALL YOUR LINES BY THURSDAY!! Remember to wear your Drama Club 
T-shirt. This week's snack mom is Monica Wicker.  (50 players)

All Basketball Players must turn in uniforms!  Boys turn in uniforms to Mrs. Walters.  Girls turn in uniforms to Coach Rayner.

Day in the Park Training:  Registration will continue through March 25th (final day), the program starts the following Tuesday, March 29, from 3:30 – 4:30.  You will need to bring a water bottle and healthy snack.  You must have a health consent form signed and turned in with registration.  

April 9th--Run to the Cross: sponsored by Coach Slaughter.. half mile fun run for ages 3-6, one-mile fun run ages 7-12. T-shirt included -$12.00. Registration to be sent home/picked up at any LCS campus.

Remember to put your child’s name on all lunch boxes, jackets, backpacks, etc.  All Lost and Found items without a name, that have not been claimed within 2 weeks, will be given to the Salvation Army.

Registration is now open to the public.  All classes will be filled on a first come first serve basis.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him; and he will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3: 5,6