School Wide PTO Meeting: Thursday, September 16, at 6:30pm, at the elementary campus. We will be discussing events for the upcoming school year. The PTO will also be giving away (2) $100 Cash Prizes!! Please make plans to attend.
Homeroom Mothers Meeting: Immediately following the School Wide PTO Meeting on Thursday, September 16, at 6:30pm. Please make plans to attend to get your Homeroom Mothers information for the school year.
October Lunch Forms will be sent home Monday. Please return by Thursday, September 16.
Morning Drop Off: Parents, due to the fact that there is no place to park or pull up, we ask that you not walk your child in the building unless you absolutely have to. Please make sure you get here before 8:00 so that your child will have time to get to their classroom by 8:00 and not be counted tardy. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Carpool Line: Thank you for helping to make the carpool line run so smoothly last week!
Grandparents Day: Due to the construction of our new building and the lack of parking space available we will not be having Grandparents Day at the elementary campus this year. We always look forward to this special day and will miss seeing and visiting with all the grandparents this year! However, we look forward to next year, after the completion of our new building, to continuing this special LCS tradition. (Grandparents Day for K3 and K4 will be Wednesday, October 6, at the Preschool)
Coke Fundraiser: Thank you to everyone who participated in our Coke Fundraiser! Remember the pick up date is October 12, in the parking lot beside the tennis courts, on the elementary campus.
Harvest Festival News: We are starting the process of collecting donations for the silent auction to be held at the Harvest Festival in November. We want to have some great items for you to bid on this year. Please be considering what your family or business could donate to make this a great night. We would love items for the home, office, yard and garden, men’s tools, and kids items. Gift certificates are great also. We are also asking for sponsors for this year’s Harvest Festival. You can become a sponsor by making a cash donation. There are four donor categories for cash donations:
- Platinum- $1000 and over
- Blue and Gold- $500.00 to $999.00
- Silver- $250.00-$499.00
- Bronze- $100.00-$249.00
- PTO Sponsor- $0- $99.00
Please consider asking just 2 or 3 business owners or individuals to donate or make a donation yourself to help us have a great Harvest Festival. Make checks payable to LCS PTO. The donations are tax deductible. The Harvest Festival is our biggest fundraiser of the year and with the new construction, we need it to be huge this year.
If you have any questions or would like to donate please don’t hesitate to call. If you would like to donate an item for the auction, contact Jennifer Moffett at 601-518-0098. For cash donations contact Danita Horne at 601-425-0059. Thanks for your support.
On October 4, 2010, Laurel Christian School will hold its first ever karate class. The style of martial art will be Shotokan. Originating in Okinawa, Japan, this ancient art is practiced all around the world. The class will meet every Monday beginning at 6:30 pm at the LCHS gym. Ages 8 and up welcome. The monthly fee is $40 per student. For more information, email Luke Hammonds at:
"So be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left.” Deuteronomy 5:32